Sunday, July 31, 2011

longest run in a month --

On June 17th, I twisted my foot somehow. This wasn't something I did by running, but rather by walking. It took me about 2 weeks for my foot to feel good enough to the point where I felt comfortable running on it. My first run after the injury was a month ago.

During this time I had a slight fall off the wagon. I was still running, but I found it harder for me to motivate myself to get out the door. So my mileage slipped. I was running about 20 miles a week, and after my slip-up, I fell more into a 8-12 mile a week average.

Since I still wanted to work on my new found hobby, part of the reason why I created this blog was to keep myself motivated and visually track my progress.

Now 1.5 months since my look foot miss-hap, I finally am back up to a 4 mile run. 2 more weeks I expect I will be back up to 5 mile runs. I really want to set my base at a 20-25 mile a week average. Once I can maintain this for a month or two, then I will start training for a half-marathon.

So there you have it! Tonight I ran 4 miles ---- and I felt great! PLUS my vibrams are still holding strong and my feet are not sore today!

Friday, July 29, 2011

Today was my rest day. Rest I did, from running that is! I actually took a long walk with my best friend and her dogs.

I ate a whole bunch of dinner before the walk, so I felt really sluggish and out of shape. I know this is not the case, but note to self in the future, you can eat to much food before a walk.

I am looking forward to the weekend. I hope to do a long run tomorrow. I think I am going to switch up my planned running schedule. I am going to start planning my long runs on Saturday followed by a light easy run on Sunday. I will do some speed work on Wednesdays. I am not currently training for an event, so for now, I am just enjoying running and having fun beating the streets.

On my walk tonight, my vibrams didn't irritate my feet AT ALL! It was fantastic, we will see how they hold up on tomorrows run.

For now, I am ready to watch some TV, relax, and get some sleep.

Finally on track!

Today I actually was on target. I ran what I planned. :) The whole run I had on my vibrams which proved to be a little more painful then yesterday (with the rubbing) but I expect that to go away within a week.
I will write more tomorrow, goodnight!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

First run with Vibram Komoto Sports!

Broke out my new Vibrams for my run tonight. Only went a 1.5, rather then a 3 mile like planned. This is just not really a great week to follow my plan. Today, I got a late start and it was starting to get dark.

The Komoto sports are very nice. My feet felt light and free. I tripped in them once, but my feet were pretty much protected. They rubbed a little bit on my heel, which is to be expected with a brand new shoe. I expect as soon as my small blister heals, these shoes will be perfect!

Sounds like my best friend wants to start walking with me. I am excited about it, I love having time to gossip and chat and go over the day with someone. I think I may have to switch to REALLY doing my run in the morning. As much as I glare at my alarm clock, choose not to get out of bed, and snooze for 2 hours. I think I need to find a way to convince myself more so that it is a good idea in the A.M.

That will be the plan for next week. For tonight, I am going to finished watching my DVRed recording of Franklin and Bash. Tomorrow I WILL do the planned run.

Have a great evening and a wonderful day tomorrow.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

This week is off to a not so great start

Yesterday I was planning a nice easy run. I ended up being so busy during the day (despite the fact that I had the day off). I just didn't really make the time to go for my run. "oh well" I say and decided I would do it today instead. I always seem to have a hard time finding the motivation to run on Mondays, but on Tuesdays I can always seem to get out the door....

But the problem for today. My husband had a seizure at work. He hasn't had one in about 4 years, so I was totally stunned when I got the call from his boss. We ended up at the emergency room.

Emergency room time moves at a different pace then the rest of the world. I don't know, I never seem to make it out of the emergency room in less then 4 hours. We didn't get home until the time in which I typically go for a run. 8:30 pm.

At this time, I haven't eaten anything in hours and I have a sick/semi-drugged hubby to attend too. So no run today.

Tomorrow, I will get back on the wagon. I want to slowly work my way up to a 10k come fall!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Running at 80 degrees!

So my original plan for the day was to run an easy 4 miler. Which I totally would have been able to do.... except things never go according to plan.

I hop on the road to do my normal route, I get my music going and realize my headphones are starting to go out. I decide to just keep at it instead of turning back to get different ones. Mistake number 1. After about .5 miles I was super irritated by this. So I turned to start heading home. The top I also decided to wear was just a normal cotton t-shirt which proved to be too hot. Mistake number 2.

At the one mile mark, I was at my front door. Switched out my headphones and changed my top. Headed out the door to try to complete 3 more miles.

Well I was able to do about half that. I went another 1.6 miles and I was blistering hot. At least I live in Washington, I am sure in 2 days we will be back to rain and 60 degree weather.

Tomorrow morning I am heading out to hike Little Si with my bro. Then in the evening hopefully it will be cool enough to continue on schedule and do an easy 4 miler.

Vibram Komoto Sport

I picked up some vibram komoto sports today! This is kind of bad, I shouldn't have bought them, but I couldn't help myself once I got them on my feet.

I plan to do my run with them tonight, hopefully they were worth the investment.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

3 months in

Hello Everyone --

This is my first official post. I started running about 3 months ago. I use to be a smoker and couldn't walk up a flight of stairs without getting winded. Now 3 months into my non-smoking, running lifestyle. I have been able to run up to 6 miles without stopping.

Right now, I can pretty easily run a good 5k without to much strain. My goal concerning this is to increase my speed. My speed for a 5k currently stands at about 34 minutes. I would like to get this down to about 24 minutes before October.

I also hope to work over the next year to be able to run a half marathon next spring. I have been slacking a little bit of the last month. (been pretty warm out) But I hope to get back on track with a 4-5 day a week training schedule.

With this blog, I hope to track my journey. Not only with my running goals, but with my life in general.

I am married to a wonderful man, he basically understands me 100% which is the main thing a girl needs. He is also very supportive of whatever I decide to do. ((i.e. running -- he is my number one fan!)

I am the proud parent of two mini dachshunds -- one cute and cuddly lover and one anti-social -- over the next year I am going to be working on bringing my anti-social doxie up to speed with her brother.

I am going back to finish my BA in about 20 days!

I will elaborate on all these things more in the future, but this stands to be a basic introduction of who I am.

-- Mo