Saturday, November 12, 2011

Running in the dark!

I hit the streets for a planned 5 mile run. I walked out of my apartment and started jogging to the street. The wind was howling and the rain was pounding. Basically, it was pretty dang miserable. I am trotting along thinking things to myself like.... "this is real dedication" or "... This isn't even winter yet... and this is awful and miserable.. but I'll keep going." -- Basically I had to coach myself to keep running and not run screaming back to the apartment, cuddle up with a blanket, and a nice warm cup of tea!

Well after my plowing against the rain and wind for 3 miserably slow miles, the power went out. Now I am already running in the dark, but with house lighting and street lighting, it really isn't toooo dark. I had decided not to bring my head lamp today because with the pouring rain, it just reflects and makes it HARDER to see. But now I am out.. in the middle of a pitch black neighborhood without any lighting. --- with 2 scheduled miles to go.

I start to walk a little bit... let my eyes adjust to the new pitch-blackness which is my running route. After about a minute I start to slowly jog... get a little bit down the street and slip on a pile of leaves and fall on my face.

Needless to say, I did not finish my last two scheduled miles and went straight home.

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